File must be neatly laid out – begin with a contents page, use labelled dividers, file in a logical order.
At front of file - plagiarism pledge, research plan, abstract, code of conduct, survey permission letter (s) and supervising scientist’s letter.
Introduction including literature review and background research – why the project was selected, including evidence of background research and the value of the project.
Problem statement or focus question.
Aim – to find out/to determine etc.
Hypothesis – statement that is to be tested, which includes independent and dependent variables.
Method – how the project was carried out, including the fixed variables. Written in the third person - no pronouns.
Results (what happened and all tables and graphs).
Analysis of results (results/findings/graphs explained in words, more extensive in this report than on poster).
Discussion including errors and modifications (patterns and trends are noted and explained, anomalies/unusual results are discussed, limitations noted and clarified).
Conclusion(s) – refer directly to hypothesis. Incorporates key results and supports the hypothesis.
References – which books and webpages consulted. These must be referenced correctly. The first reference must be the one where the project idea came from.
Acknowledgments – people spoken to, all those who assisted with the project in any way. State what help was given